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The Midnight office begins at about 11pm.


Blessed is our God, always, now and for ever: world without end.


PRIEST: Glory be to Thee, our God, glory be to Thee.

O heavenly King and Comforter, Spirit of Truth, that art in all places and fillest all things, Treasure of goodness, and Giver of life: come and abide in us; and cleanse us from all that defileth, and save our souls, O Thou who art Good.


O Holy God, Holy and Strong, Holy and Immortal, have mercy upon us. (3)

Glory...  Νow and for ever...

Most Holy Trinity, have mercy upon us; O Lord, cleanse us from our sins; O Master, pardon our transgressions; O Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy Name’s sake.

Kyrie eleison or Lord have mercy. [3]

Glory...  Νow and for ever...

Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.


For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and for ever: world without end.


Lord have mercy. [12]

Glory...  Νow and for ever...

O come, let us worship and bow down before our King and our God.

O come, let us worship and bow down before Christ our King and our God.

O come, let us worship and bow down before the very Christ our King and our God. 

Psalm 50 [51]

Have mercy upon me, O God, according to Thy great mercy; and according to the multitude of Thy tender mercies blot out my transgression. Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgression, and my sin is ever before me. Against Thee only have I sinned, and done this evil in Thy sight; that Thou mightest be justified in Thy sayings, and mightest overcome when Thou art judged. For behold, I was conceived in iniquity, and in sins did my mother bear me. For behold, Thou hast loved truth; the hidden and secret things of Thy wisdom hast Thou revealed to me. Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be cleansed: Thou shalt wash me, and I shall be made whiter than snow. Thou shalt make me to hear joy and gladness; the bones that are humbled shall rejoice. Turn away Thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from Thy presence, and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation, and stablish me with Thy sovereign spirit. I will teach transgressors Thy ways, and the ungodly shall turn again to Thee. Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God, Thou God of my salvation; my tongue shall rejoice in Thy righteousness. O Lord, Thou shalt open my lips, and my mouth shall shew forth Thy praise. For hadst Thou desired sacrifice, I would have given it; Thou wilt not delight in whole burnt offerings. A sacrifice to God is a broken spirit; a broken and humbled heart God will not despise. Do good, O Lord, in Thy good pleasure unto Zion, and let the walls of Jerusalem be builded. Then shalt Thou be pleased with a sacrifice of righteousness, oblation and whole burnt offerings: then shall they offer bullocks upon Thine altar.

And straightway the following Canon, with the verse Glory to thee, O God, glory to thee.

Ode 1 Tone 6. The Eirmos

He who in ancient times hid the pursuing tyrant beneath the waves of the sea, is hidden beneath the earth by the children of those whom once He saved. But as the maidens let us sing unto the Lord, for He is greatly glorified.

Lord my God, I will sing to Thee a funeral hymn, a song at Thy burial: for by Thy burial Thou hast opened for me the gates of life, and by Thy death Thou hast slain death and hell.

All things above and all beneath the earth quaked with fear at Thy death, as they beheld Thee, O my Saviour, upon Thy throne on high and in the tomb below. For beyond our understanding Thou dost lie before our eyes, a corpse yet the very Source of Life.

To fill all things with Thy glory, Thou hast gone down into the nethermost parts of the earth: for my person that is in Adam has not been hidden from Thee, but in Thy love for man Thou art buried in the tomb and dost restore me from corruption.


He who in ancient times hid the pursuing tyrant beneath the waves of the sea, is hidden beneath the earth by the children of those whom once He saved. But as the maidens let us sing unto the Lord, for He is greatly glorified.

Ode 3 The Eirmos

When the creation beheld Thee hanging in Golgotha, who hast hung the whole earth freely upon the waters, it was seized with amazement and it cried: There is none holy save Thee, O Lord.

Signs and tokens of Thy burial Thou hast disclosed in a multitude of visions; and now, O Master, as both God and man, Thou hast revealed Thy hidden secrets unto those in hell who cry: There is none holy save Thee, O Lord.

Thou hast stretched out Thine arms and united all that before was separated; wrapped in a winding-sheet, O Saviour, and buried in a tomb, Thou hast loosed the prisoners, and they cry: There is none holy save Thee, O Lord.

O Thou whom nothing can contain, of Thine own will Thou wast enclosed and sealed within the tomb: but through Thine energies Thou hast as God revealed Thy power to those who sing: There is none holy save Thee, O Lord who lovest mankind.


When the creation beheld Thee hanging in Golgotha, who hast hung the whole earth freely upon the waters, it was seized with amazement and it cried: There is none holy save Thee, O Lord.

Ode 4 The Eirmos

Foreseeing Thy divine self-emptying upon the Cross, Habakkuk cried out marvelling: Thou hast cut short the strength of the powerful, O gracious and almighty Lord, and preached to those in hell.

Today Thou dost keep holy the seventh day, which Thou hast blessed of old by resting from Thy works. Thou bringest all things into being and Thou makest all things new, observing the sabbath rest, my Saviour, and restoring Thy strength .

Thou hast gained the victory by Thy greater strength: Thy soul was parted from Thy body, yet by Thy power, O Word, Thou hast burst asunder the bonds of death and hell.

Hell was filled with bitterness when it met Thee, O Word, for it saw a mortal deified, marked by wounds yet all-powerful; and it shrank back in terror at this sight.


Foreseeing Thy divine self-emptying upon the Cross, Habakkuk cried out marvelling: Thou hast cut short the strength of the powerful, O gracious and almighty Lord, and preached to those in hell.

Ode 5 The Eirmos

Isaiah, as he watched by night, beheld the light that knows no evening, the light of Thy Theophany, O Christ, that came to pass from tender love for us; and he cried aloud: The dead shall arise and they that dwell in the tomb shall be raised up, and all those born on the earth shall rejoice exceedingly.

Becoming a creature formed from dust, O Creator, Thou makest new those born on earth. The winding-sheet and tomb point, Word, to the mystery that is within Thee. For the honourable counsellor fulfils the counsel of Thy Father, who has gloriously refashioned me in Thee.

By death dost Thou transform mortality, and by Thy burial, corruption. With divine power Thou makest incorruptible the nature Thou hast taken, rendering it immortal; for, 0 Master, Thy fies saw not corruption, nor was Thy soul left in hell as that of stranger.

Coming forth from a birth without travail and wounded in Thy side with a spear, O my Maker, Thou hast brought to pass the recreation of Eve. Becoming Adam, Thou hast in ways surpassing nature slept a life-giving sleep, awakening life from sleep and from corruption by Thine almighty power.


Isaiah, as he watched by night, beheld the light that knows no evening, the light of Thy Theophany, O Christ, that came to pass from tender love for us; and he cried aloud: The dead shall arise and they that dwell in the tomb shall be raised up, and all those born on the earth shall rejoice exceedingly.

Ode 6 The Eirmos

Jonah was enclosed but not held fast in the belly of the whale; for, serving as a figure of Thee, who hast suffered and wast buried in the tomb, he leapt forth from the monster as from a bridal chamber and he called out to the watch: O ye who keep guard falsely and in vain, ye have forsaken your own mercy.

Thou wast torn but not separated, O Word, from the flesh that Thou hadst taken. For though Thy temple was destroyed at the time of Thy Passion, yet the Person of Thy Godhead and of Thy flesh is but one; in both Thou art one Son, the Word of God, both God and man.

The fall of Adam brought death to man but not to God. For though the earthly substance of Thy flesh suffered, yet the Godhead remained impassible; that which was corruptible in Thy human nature Thou hast transformed to incorruption, and by Thy Resurrection Thou hast revealed a fountain of immortal life.

Hell is king over mortal men, but not for ever. Laid in the sepulchre, mighty Lord, with Thy life-giving hand Thou hast burst asunder the bars of death. To those from every age who slept in the tombs, Thou hast proclaimed true deliverance, 0 Saviour, who art become the firstborn from the dead.


Jonah was enclosed but not held fast in the belly of the whale; for, serving as a figure of Thee, who hast suffered and wast buried in the tomb, he leapt forth from the monster as from a bridal chamber and he called out to the watch: O ye who keep guard falsely and in vain, ye have forsaken your own mercy.

Ode 7 The Eirmos

Wonder past speech! He who delivered the holy Children from the fiery furnace, is laid a corpse without breath in the tomb, for our salvation who sing: O God our Deliverer, blessed art Thou.

Hell was wounded in the heart when it received Him whose side was pierced by the spear; consumed by divine fire it groaned aloud at our salvation who sing: O God our Deliverer, blessed art Thou.

O happy tomb! It received within itself the Creator, as one asleep, and it was made a divine treasury of life, for our salvation who sing: O God our Deliverer, blessed art Thou.

The Life of all submits to be laid in the tomb, according to the law of the dead, and He makes it a source of awakening, for our salvation who sing: O God our Deliverer, blessed art Thou.

In hell and in the tomb and in Eden, the Godhead of Christ was indivisibly united with the Father and the Spirit, for our salvation who sing: O God our Deliverer, blessed art Thou.


Wonder past speech! He who delivered the holy Children from the fiery furnace, is laid a corpse without breath in the tomb, for our salvation who sing: O God our Deliverer, blessed art Thou.

Ode 8 The Eirmos

Be ye astonished O ye heavens, be ye horribly afraid, and let the foundations of the earth be shaken. For lo, He who dwells on high is numbered with the dead and lodges as a stranger in a narrow tomb. Him do ye children bless, ye priests praise, and ye people exalt above all for ever.

The most pure Temple is destroyed, but raises up the fallen tabernacle. The second Adam, He who dwells on high, has coma down to the first Adam in the depths of hell. Him do ye children bless, ye priests praise, and ye people exalt above all for ever.

The disciples’ courage failed, but Joseph of Arimathaea was more bold; for seeing the God of au a corpse and naked, he asked for the body and buried Him, crying: Him do ye children bless, ye priests praise, and ye people exalt above all for ever.

O strange wonders! O love and infinite forbearance! He who dwells on high is sealed beneath the earth with His own consent, and God is falsely accused as a deceiver. Him do ye children bless, ye priests praise, and ye people exalt above all for ever.

We praise, bless and worship the Lord.


Be ye astonished O ye heavens, be ye horribly afraid, and let the foundations of the earth be shaken. For lo, He who dwells on high is numbered with the dead and lodges as a stranger in a narrow tomb. Him do ye children bless, ye priests praise, and ye people exalt above all for ever.

Ode 9 The Eirmos

Weep not for Me, O Mother, beholding in the sepulchre the Son whom thou hast conceived without seed in thy womb. For I shall rise and shall be glorified, and as God I shall exalt in everlasting glory those who magnify thee with faith and love.

O Son without beginning, in ways surpassing nature was I blessed at Thy strange birth, for I was spared all travail. But now beholding Thee, my God, a lifeless corpse, I am pierced by the sword of bitter sorrow. But arise, that I may be magnified.

By Mine own will the earth covers Me, O Mother, but the gatekeepers of hell tremble as they see Me, clothed in the bloodstained garment of vengeance: for on the Cross as God have I struck down Mine enemies, and I shall rise again and magnify thee.

Let the creation rejoice exceedingly, let all those born on earth be glad: for hell, the enemy, has been despoiled. Ye women, come to meet Me with sweet spices: for I am delivering Adam and Eve with all their offspring, and on the third day I shall rise again.


Weep not for Me, O Mother, beholding in the sepulchre the Son whom thou hast conceived without seed in thy womb. For I shall rise and shall be glorified, and as God I shall exalt in everlasting glory those who magnify thee with faith and love.

Then the Trisagion is recited from within the sanctuary.


O Holy God, Holy and Strong, Holy and Immortal, have mercy upon us. (3)

Glory...  Νow and for ever...

Most Holy Trinity, have mercy upon us; O Lord, cleanse us from our sins; O Master, pardon our transgressions; O Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy Name’s sake.

Kyrie eleison or Lord have mercy. [3]

Glory...  Νow and for ever...

Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.


For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and for ever: world without end.

CHOIR: Amen.

And then the Troparion:

 Tone 2

When Thou didst descend toward death, O Life Everlasting, Then Thou didst shatter Hades with the light of Thy Divinity. And when Thou didst raise the dead from that infernal place, all the heavenly powers cried unto Thee, O Christ our God, the giver of life, glory to Thee.


Have mercy upon us, O God, after Thy great goodness. We pray Thee, hear us and have mercy.

CHOIR: Kyrie eleison. [3] And after each petition

Again we pray for all pious Orthodox Christians.

Again we pray for our Archbishop [Name], and for all our brethren in Christ.

Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, visitation, forgiveness and remission of the sins of the servants of God, [Names] (and) all the pious Orthodox Christians who dwell or visit this city [town, village, monastery], the parishioners, the Church committee, those who give help and those who have dedicated gifts in this holy temple.

Again we pray for the blessed and ever-memorable founders of this holy Church [monastery] and for all our departed fathers, brethren, and Orthodox Christians everywhere who have fallen asleep.

Again we pray for them that strive and bring forth the fruit of good works in this holy and venerable temple; for them that serve, and them that sing; and for all the people here present who await Thy great and bountiful mercy.


For Thou art a merciful God, and a lover of mankind, and to Thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever: world without end.

CHOIR: Amen.


Glory be to Thee, O Christ our God and our hope, glory be to Thee.


Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever: world without end. Amen.

Kyrie eleison [3]. Holy Father, give the blessing.


May He who is risen from the dead Christ our true God, by the prayers of His most holy Mother; of the holy and all-glorious Apostles; of [Name of the saint to whom the Church is dedicated]; and of all the saints, have mercy upon us, and save our souls: For He is good and loving-kind.

By the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy upon us and save us. 

CHOIR: Amen.

A few minutes before Midnight, all the lights, lamps [except for the eternal vigil lamp] and candles are put out so that there is complete darkness in the Church. In some places, it is customary at this moment, to sing from the sanctuary the 7th Morning Gospel Hymn   



 Behold, darkness and early dawn, and why Mary dost thou stand by the grave, thy mind full of darkness, seeking where Jesus hath been laid. But see the disciples running together, how from the graves clothes and the napkin they have realised the Resurrection and have remembered the Scriptures concerning this. With whom and through whom we too have believed and sing thy praise O Christ, the Giver of Life.

At Midnight precisely, the Priest having lighted three candles from the eternal vigil light, shall open the Holy doors and invite the faithful to light their candles singing:

Tone 5

Come ye, and receive the light, from the never setting and eternal light, and give glory unto Christ, He who hath risen from the dead.

The Choir shall repeat this twice.

Then being preceded by lighted candles, the six-winged seraphim, the Choir, the Deacon censing, the Priest holding the Gospel Book and all the people, shall exit the Church; the Priest all the while singing:

 Tone 6

Thy Resurrection, O Saviour Christ, the angels in heaven do hymn and praise. And to us on earth do Thou vouchsafe, with pure hearts to glorify Thee.

The Choir shall repeat the hymn as the procession goes around the Church and comes to the platform from where the Resurrection Service will be sung.

The Deacon shall then say:  

That we may be accounted worthy to hear the Holy Gospel, let us beseech the Lord our God.

CHOIR: Kyrie eleison. [3]

DEACON Wisdom. Stand steadfast. Let us hear the Holy Gospel.

Peace unto all.

CHOIR: And unto thy spirit.


The reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. Mark.

DEACON: Let us give heed.

CHOIR: Glory be to Thee, O Lord, glory be to Thee.


Mark 16:1-8

When the sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, had bought sweet spices, that they might come and anoint him. And very early in the morning the first day of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun. And they said among themselves, Who shall roll us away the stone from the door of the sepulchre? And when they looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away: for it was very great. And entering into the sepulchre, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a long white garment; and they were affrighted. And he saith unto them, Be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: he is risen; he is not here: behold the place where they laid him. But go your way, tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see him, as he said unto you. And they went out quickly, and fled from the sepulchre; for they trembled and were amazed: neither said they any thing to any man; for they were afraid.

CHOIR: Glory be Thy Holy Resurrection, O Lord, glory be to Thee.

The Priest shall take up the censer and cense the Gospel Book and the Icon of the Resurrection. Then he shall exclaim:

Glory be to the Holy, Consubstantial, life-giving and undivided Trinity: always, now and for ever: world without end.

CHOIR: Amen.

And straightway the Priest shall sing the Easter Hymn slowly:

Tone 5

Christ is risen from the dead, by death he hath overcome death, and to them in the graves hath he given life.

The hymn is sung a total of 10 times on this wise:

1) Slowly by the Priest.

2) Slowly by the right Choir.

3) Slowly by the left Choir.

Then the Priest shall say aloud the following verses and after each the Choir shall sing the Easter Hymn with a faster tempo.


Let God arise, and let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him.

CHOIR:  Christ is risen from the dead, by death he hath overcome death, and to them in the graves hath he given life.


As smoke is driven away, so drive them away: as wax melteth before the fire.

CHOIR:  Christ is risen from the dead, by death he hath overcome death, and to them in the graves hath he given life.


So shall the sinners perish at the presence of God, but let the righteous rejoice.

CHOIR:  Christ is risen from the dead, by death he hath overcome death, and to them in the graves hath he given life.


This is the day that the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

CHOIR:  Christ is risen from the dead, by death he hath overcome death, and to them in the graves hath he given life.


Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

CHOIR:  Christ is risen from the dead, by death he hath overcome death, and to them in the graves hath he given life.


Now and for ever: world without end. Amen.

CHOIR:  Christ is risen from the dead, by death he hath overcome death, and to them in the graves hath he given life.

PRIEST (Slowly)

Christ is risen from the dead, by death he hath overcome death,

CHOIR:  And to them in the graves hath he given life.


In peace let us pray unto the Lord.

CHOIR: Kyrie eleison or Lord have mercy. And after each petition

For the peace from on high, and for the salvation of our souls, let us pray unto the Lord.

For the peace and union of the whole world, and for the good estate of the holy churches of God, let us pray unto the Lord.

For this holy temple and for them that enter therein with faith, reverence and fear of God, let us pray unto the Lord.

For our Archbishop [Name], for the honourable order of priesthood, and for the diaconate which is in Christ, for all the clergy and the people, let us pray unto the Lord.

For this city [village, monastery]; for every city and land, and for them that dwell therein with faith, let us pray unto the Lord.

For fair seasons and the abundance of the fruits of the earth, let us pray unto the Lord.

For them that travel by land, by water, by air; for the sick and the suffering, for those in captivity, And for their salvation, let us pray unto the Lord.

That He may deliver us from all tribulation, wrath, danger and necessity, let us pray unto the Lord.

Succour, save, have mercy and preserve us, O God, by Thy grace.

Mindful of our most holy and undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, Mother of God and ever-Virgin Mary, and of all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another, and our whole life to Christ our God.

CHOIR: To Thee, O Lord.


For unto Thee belong all glory, honour and worship, unto the Father, and unto the Son, and unto the Holy Spirit, now and for ever: world without end.

CHOIR: Amen.

After the Great Litany, the Priest re-enters the Church followed by the people.

In many places, before the doors are opened, the following takes place.

The Priest shall knock three times on the western doors and say:


Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.

Someone from within the Church shall say:

Who is this King of glory?

And the Priest shall reply:

The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.

Again, the Priest shall knock three times and say:

Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.

And from within the Church:

Who is this King of glory?

The Priest:

The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.

And again, the Priest shall knock three times and say:

Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.

From within

Who is this King of glory?

And the Priest shall reply

The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory.

And saying this he shall push open the doors and enter. The Choir returning to their places shall begin singing the Resurrection canon. 6 troparia are sung preceded by the verse "Glory to thy holy Resurrection, O Lord." The last two of each ode preceded by Glory to the Father... and Now and forever.... At the end of each ode the Eirmos is repeated as a katavasia, then Christ is Risen... (3) and Jesus having risen from the tomb...

The Canon, a composition by John of Damascus.

Ode 1.  Tone 1.  Eirmos.

The day of Resurrection, let us be radiant, O nations! Pascha, the Lord’s Pascha; for Christ God hath conveyed us from death to life, and from earth to heaven, as we sing the triumphal song.

Let us purify our senses, that we may see, Christ shining forth in the unapproachable light of the resurrection, and we shall clearly hear him saying ‘Rejoice!’, as we sing the triumphal song.

As it is meet, let the heavens rejoice and let the earth be glad. Let the whole world together, both visible and invisible keep the feast: for Christ has risen, our eternal joy.


The day of Resurrection, let us be radiant, O nations! Pascha, the Lord’s Pascha; for Christ God hath conveyed us from death to life, and from earth to heaven, as we sing the triumphal song.

Christ is risen from the dead, by death he hath overcome death, and to them in the graves hath he given life. (3 fast tempo)

Jesus having risen from the tomb as He foretold, hath granted unto us, life eternal and great mercy.


Again and again in peace, let us pray unto the Lord.

CHOIR: Kyrie eleison or Lord have mercy. And after each petition


Succour, save, have mercy and preserve us, O God, by Thy grace.

Mindful of our most holy and undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, Mother of God and ever-Virgin Mary, and of all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another, and our whole life to Christ our God.

CHOIR: To Thee, O Lord.


For Thine is the might, and Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and for ever: world without end. Amen.

CHOIR: Amen.

Ode 3 Eirmos

Come let us drink a new drink, not one marvellously brought forth from a barren rock, but from the fount of incorruption, which from the tomb of Christ poured forth, in whom we are established.

Now all things have been filled with light, both heaven and earth and all that is beneath the earth; therefore let all creation celebrate, Christ’s rising, by which it is established.

Yesterday was I buried with thee, O Christ, today with thee I rise as thou dost rise. Yesterday was I crucified with thee; glorify me with thee, O Saviour, in thy Kingdom.


Come let us drink a new drink, not one marvellously brought forth from a barren rock, but from the fount of incorruption, which from the tomb of Christ poured forth, in whom we are established.

Christ is risen from the dead...(3)

Jesus having risen from the tomb as He foretold...


Again and again in peace, let us pray unto the Lord.

CHOIR: Kyrie eleison or Lord have mercy. And after each petition


Succour, save, have mercy and preserve us, O God, by Thy grace.

Mindful of our most holy and undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, Mother of God and ever-Virgin Mary, and of all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another, and our whole life to Christ our God.

CHOIR: To Thee, O Lord.


For Thou art our God, and to Thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever: world without end.

CHOIR: Amen.

The Ypakoe  Tone 4

When those who were with Mary came, anticipating the dawn, and found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre, they heard from the Angel, “Why do ye seek among the dead, as though He were mortal, the One who exists in everlasting light? See the grave clothes. Make haste and proclaim to the world that the Lord is risen, and has put death to death; for He is the Son of God, who saves the human race.”

Ode 4 Eirmos

Upon the divine watch let the God-inspired Habakkuk stand with us and show forth the radiant Angel fervently saying: Today is salvation to the world, for Christ is risen for he is Almighty. 

Christ appeared as a ‘male’ who opened the virgin womb; as nourishment he is called a lamb; but our Pascal lamb is also blameless for he tasted no corruption, for as he is truly God he hath been called perfect.

As a yearling lamb, the Pascal lamb that cleanses, who is glorified by us, hath like a crown of goodness, willingly sacrificed himself for us; and straightway from the tomb hath he shone for us like the Sun of Righteousness full of beauty.

David, the forefather of our Lord, leapt and danced before the symbolical Ark, but seeing the fulfilment of those symbols, let us, God’s holy people, in spirit rejoice, for Christ hath risen for he is Almighty.


Upon the divine watch let the God-inspired Habakkuk stand with us and show forth the radiant Angel fervently saying: Today is salvation to the world, for Christ is risen for he is Almighty. 


Christ is risen from the dead...(3)

Jesus having risen from the tomb as He foretold...


Again and again in peace, let us pray unto the Lord.

CHOIR: Kyrie eleison or Lord have mercy. And after each petition


Succour, save, have mercy and preserve us, O God, by Thy grace.

Mindful of our most holy and undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, Mother of God and ever-Virgin Mary, and of all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another, and our whole life to Christ our God.

CHOIR: To Thee, O Lord.


For Thou, O God, art good and loving-kind, and we ascribe glory to Thee, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever: world without end.

CHOIR: Amen.

 Ode 5 Eirmos

Let us arise at the break of dawn, and instead of myrrh, offer a hymn to the Master; and we shall see Christ, the Sun of Righteousness, causing life to dawn on all life.

Seeing thy boundless compassion, O Christ, those who were held by Hades' bonds, hastily pressed forward towards the light with joyful feet, applauding the eternal Pascha.

Let us with lighted torches draw near to Christ, who come forth from the tomb as from a bridal chamber, and let us celebrate with the festive ranks of angels God's saving Pascha.


Let us arise at the break of dawn, and instead of myrrh, offer a hymn to the Master; and we shall see Christ, the Sun of Righteousness, causing life to dawn on all life.

Christ is risen from the dead...(3)

Jesus having risen from the tomb as He foretold...


Again and again in peace, let us pray unto the Lord.

CHOIR: Kyrie eleison or Lord have mercy. And after each petition


Succour, save, have mercy and preserve us, O God, by Thy grace.

Mindful of our most holy and undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, Mother of God and ever-Virgin Mary, and of all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another, and our whole life to Christ our God.

CHOIR: To Thee, O Lord.


For blessed and glorified be Thy most honourable and majestic Name, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and for ever: world without end.

CHOIR: Amen.


ODE 6 Eirmos

Thou didst descend into the deepest abyss of the earth, and didst shatter the eternal bars which held the prisoners captive, O Christ, and like Jonah from the whale, after three days Thou didst rise from the grave.

Keeping the seals intact, O Christ, thou hast risen from the tomb, thou who by thy birth didst not violate the locks of the Virgin's womb and hast opened to us the gates of Paradise.

O my Saviour, who art the living God impossible to be slain as a holy sacrifice, thou didst of thine own will offer thyself to the Father, and rising from the tomb thou didst raise up with thyself all Adam's race.


Thou didst descend into the deepest abyss of the earth, and didst shatter the eternal bars which held the prisoners captive, O Christ, and like Jonah from the whale, after three days Thou didst rise from the grave.

Christ is risen from the dead...(3)

Jesus having risen from the tomb as He foretold...


Again and again in peace, let us pray unto the Lord.

CHOIR: Kyrie eleison or Lord have mercy. And after each petition


Succour, save, have mercy and preserve us, O God, by Thy grace.

Mindful of our most holy and undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, Mother of God and ever-Virgin Mary, and of all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another, and our whole life to Christ our God.

CHOIR: To Thee, O Lord.


For Thou art the King of peace and the Saviour of our souls, and to Thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever: world without end.

CHOIR: Amen.

Kontakion Tone 8

Though Thou didst descend into the grave, O Immortal, Thou didst destroy the power of Hades, and as victor didst rise again, O Christ our God, and the Myrrh-bearing women Thou didst greet with ‘Rejoice’, and to Thine Apostles Thou didst bestow peace: O Thou who dost grant resurrection to the fallen.


To the Sun who was before the sun, who for a while set in a tomb, the Myrrh-bearing maidens came at dawn, seeking him as they would the day, and they cried to one another: Friends, come, let us anoint with spices the life-bearing Body now buried, the flesh that raises fallen Adam lying in the sepulchre. Come, let us hasten as the Magi and worship and offer the sweet spices as gifts to the One who is now wrapped, not in swaddling clothes, but in linen and let us weep and cry aloud, O Master arise, O Thou who dost grant resurrection to the fallen.


On holy and great Sunday of Pascha we celebrate the life-bearing Resurrection of our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ.


Christ alone descended to battle with Hades.

He arose laden with the spoils of victory. 

 To him be the glory and the might unto the ages of ages. Amen.

We have seen the Resurrection of Christ; let us worship the holy Lord Jesus, who alone is without sin. We venerate Thy Cross, O Christ, and we praise and glorify Thy holy Resurrection. For Thou art our God: we know no other save Thee; upon Thy name we call. Come all ye faithful, let us venerate the holy Resurrection of Christ: for lo, through the Cross joy hath come to all the world. Ever blessing the Lord, we sing the praises of His Resurrection: for He endured the Cross on our behalf, and hath destroyed death by death. (3)

Jesus having risen from the tomb as He foretold, hath granted unto us, life eternal and great mercy. (3)

Ode 7 Eirmos

He who delivered the children from the furnace, becomes a man and suffers as a mortal, and through his suffering, he clothes mortality with the grace of incorruption: the only blessed and most glorious God of our fathers.

With myrrh, the godly-wise women hastened after thee, but him whom they sought with tears as dead, with joy they worshipped as the living God, and to thine apostles, O Christ, they proclaimed the glad tidings of the mystical Pascha.  

We celebrate the death of death, the overthrow of Hades, the first-fruits of a new eternal life, and leaping with joy we hymn the cause: the only blessed and most glorious God of our fathers.

Truly this saving night, radiant with light is holy and most festive, and the herald of the bright day of Resurrection, wherein from the tomb, the Eternal Light shone bodily upon all.


He who delivered the children from the furnace, becomes a  man and suffers as a mortal, and through his suffering, he clothes mortality with the grace of incorruption: the only blessed and most glorious God of our fathers.

Christ is risen from the dead...(3)

Jesus having risen from the tomb as He foretold...


Again and again in peace, let us pray unto the Lord.

CHOIR: Kyrie eleison or Lord have mercy. And after each petition


Succour, save, have mercy and preserve us, O God, by Thy grace.

Mindful of our most holy and undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, Mother of God and ever-Virgin Mary, and of all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another, and our whole life to Christ our God.

CHOIR: To Thee, O Lord.


Blessed and glorified is the power of Thy kingdom, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and for ever: world without end.

CHOIR: Amen.

Ode 8 Eirmos

This is the chosen and Holy Day, the first of all Sabbaths, the Sovereign and Lady, the Feast of Feasts, and the Festival of Festivals on which we bless Christ unto all ages.

O come, let us partake of the fruit of the new vine of divine joy, on the formal day of the Resurrection and the kingdom of Christ, praising him as God unto all ages. 


Lift up thine eyes, O Sion, round about thee, and see, for behold, like stars shining with divine light, thy children have come to thee from the West, and the North, from the South and from the East, in thee blessing Christ unto all ages.

O Father Almighty, and Word and Spirit, one nature united in three Persons, transcending all being and Godhead, in thee have we been baptised and thee do we bless unto all ages.  


This is the chosen and Holy Day, the first of all Sabbaths, the Sovereign and Lady, the Feast of Feasts, and the Festival of Festivals on which we bless Christ unto all ages.

Christ is risen from the dead...(3)

Jesus having risen from the tomb as He foretold...


Again and again in peace, let us pray unto the Lord.

CHOIR: Kyrie eleison or Lord have mercy. And after each petition


Succour, save, have mercy and preserve us, O God, by Thy grace.

Mindful of our most holy and undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, Mother of God and ever-Virgin Mary, and of all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another, and our whole life to Christ our God.

CHOIR: To Thee, O Lord.


For blessed is Thy Name and glorified is Thy kingdom, of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and for ever: world without end.

CHOIR: Amen.


Let us honour in hymns and magnify the Theotokos and Mother of the Light.

And while the choir sing the Magnificat and the ninth ode, the Deacon shall cense the sanctuary and all the temple in the customary way. 


Ode 9 Eirmos

Magnify, O my soul, him who willingly suffered and was buried, and arose from the grave on the third day.

Shine, shine, O new Jerusalem, for the glory of the Lord hath risen upon thee, celebrate now and be glad, O Sion. And do thou O pure, Mother of God, rejoice in the rising of thy child.

Magnify, O my soul, Christ the Giver of life, who arose from the grave on the third day.

Shine, shine, O new Jerusalem, for the glory of the Lord hath risen upon thee, celebrate now and be glad, O Sion. And do thou O pure, Mother of God, rejoice in the rising of thy child.

Christ is the new Pascha, the living sacrificial victim, the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world.

O divine! O beloved! O sweetness of Thy voice.! For that thou, O Christ, hast truly promised to be with us till the end of time. Wherefore we the faithful rejoice, holding these Thy words as an anchor of hope.

Today the whole creation rejoices and is glad, for Christ hath risen and Hades hath been despoiled.

O divine! O beloved! O sweetness of Thy voice.! For that thou, O Christ, hast truly promised to be with us till the end of time. Wherefore we the faithful rejoice, holding these Thy words as an anchor of hope.


Magnify, O my soul, the might of the undivided Godhead in three Persons.

O Christ, O Great and most sacred Pascha! O Wisdom, and Word of God, and Power! Grant that we may more truly have communion with Thee in the day of Thy kingdom which knoweth no eventide.

Now and ever...

Rejoice, O Virgin, rejoice! Rejoice, O blessed One, rejoice, thou who art glorified, for thy Son hath risen from the grave on the third day.

O Christ, O Great and most sacred Pascha! O Wisdom, and Word of God, and Power! Grant that we may more truly have communion with Thee in the day of Thy kingdom which knoweth no eventide.


The angel proclaimed to her that is full of grace, Rejoice O pure Virgin again I say rejoice, For thy Son is risen the third day from the tomb.

Shine, shine, O new Jerusalem, for the glory of the Lord hath risen upon thee, celebrate now and be glad, O Sion. And do thou O pure, Mother of God, rejoice in the rising of thy child.

Christ is risen from the dead...(3)

Jesus having risen from the tomb as He foretold...


Again and again in peace, let us pray unto the Lord.

CHOIR: Kyrie eleison or Lord have mercy. And after each petition


Succour, save, have mercy and preserve us, O God, by Thy grace.

Mindful of our most holy and undefiled, most blessed and glorious Lady, Mother of God and ever-Virgin Mary, and of all the saints, let us commend ourselves and one another, and our whole life to Christ our God.

CHOIR: To Thee, O Lord.


For all the powers of heaven praise Thee, and to Thee we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever: world without end. 

CHOIR: Amen.

And straightway the Exapostilarion. Tone 2

When thou didst sleep as a mortal, O thou who art King and Lord, thou didst rise on the third day, abolishing death and raising Adam from corruption, O Pascha of incorruption, the salvation of the world. (3)

At the Praises

Eight Stichira are sung. Four Resurrection hymns from the Oktoechos (Book of tones) and four of Pascha.

Tone 1

Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord from the heavens: praise Him in the heights. To Thee belongeth the hymn, O God.

Praise the Lord from the heavens: praise Him in the heights. To thee belongeth the hymn, O God.

Verse 1. Praise Him for His mighty acts: praise Him according to His excellent greatness.

We hymn thy saving Passion, O Christ, and we glorify thy Resurrection.

Verse 2. Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet: praise Him with the psaltery and harp.

O thou who didst endure the Cross, and didst overcome death and didst rise from the dead, give peace unto our lives, O Lord, for thou alone art almighty.

Verse 3. Praise Him with the timbrel and dance: praise Him with stringed instruments and organs.

O thou who didst plunder Hades and with thy resurrection didst raise mankind, make us worthy, O Christ, with pure hearts to hymn and glorify thee.

Verse 4. Praise Him upon the loud cymbals: praise Him upon the high sounding cymbals. Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord.

We hymn thee, O Christ, glorifying thy divine condescension. Thou wast born of a Virgin and yet wast inseparable from the Father, as a human thou didst suffer, and willingly thou didst endure the Cross. From the tomb thou didst rise as from a bridal chamber, that thou might save the world, O Lord glory to thee. 

Then the Paschal verses with the Paschal hymns.

 Tone 5

The Priest taking up the Gospel Book exits the Sanctuary by the Holy Doors and offers the Holy Book for veneration by the faithful

Verse: Let God arise, and let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him.

Today a sacred Pascha has been revealed to us, a Pascha new and holy, a mystical Pascha, a most honourable Pascha, a Pascha that is Christ the redeemer, a blameless Pascha, a great Pascha, a Pascha of the faithful, a Pascha that has opened for us the gates of Paradise, a Pascha that sanctifies all the faithful.

Verse: As smoke is driven away, so drive them away: as wax melteth before the fire.

O come from the sight, ye women bearers of glad tidings, and say unto Sion, receive from us the good tidings of joy, of Christ's Resurrection, rejoice, dance and be glad Jerusalem, for thou hast seen Christ the King, like a bridegroom coming forth from the tomb.

Verse: So shall the sinners perish at the presence of God, but let the righteous rejoice.

When the myrrh-bearing women, at early dawn came to the grave of the Life-giver,   they found an Angel sitting upon the stone, and he addressing them did say: Why do ye seek the living among the dead? Why do ye mourn the incorruptible amidst corruption? Go, proclaim it to his Disciples.


Verse: This is the day that the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

A joyful Pascha, the Pascha of the Lord, the most honourable Pascha has risen upon us, the Pascha in which we embrace one another in joy, Oh Pascha deliverer from sorrow, for Christ today hath shone forth from the tomb as from a bridal chamber and filled the women with joy saying: Proclaim it to the Apostles.

Glory… Now and for ever…

Today is the day of Resurrection, let us be radiant for the festival, and let us embrace one another. Let us say brethren, even to those that hate us: Let us forgive all things on the Resurrection, and thus let us cry aloud:

Christ is risen from the dead, by death he hath overcome death, and to them in the graves hath he given life. (3)


And Straightway begins the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom 


Blessed is the kingdom of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and for ever: world without end.

CHOIR: Amen.

The Priest holding the three lighted candles and the censer, censes before the Holy Altar singing slowly:

 Tone 5

Christ is risen from the dead, by death he hath overcome death, and to them in the graves hath he given life.

This is repeated by the choir (twice)

Then this is sung another six times by the choir with a faster tempo. Before each the Priest will say aloud the following verses.

PRIEST (standing before the Holy Altar censing)

Let God arise, and let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him.

CHOIR:  Christ is risen from the dead...

PRIEST (standing on the right side)

As smoke is driven away, so drive them away: as wax melteth before the fire.

CHOIR:  Christ is risen from the dead...

PRIEST (standing behind the Altar)

So shall the sinners perish at the presence of God, but let the righteous rejoice.

CHOIR:  Christ is risen from the dead...

PRIEST (standing on the left side)

This is the day that the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

CHOIR:  Christ is risen from the dead...

PRIEST (standing before the Holy Prothesis)

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

CHOIR:  Christ is risen from the dead...

PRIEST (standing before the Holy Altar)

Now and for ever: world without end. Amen.

CHOIR:  Christ is risen from the dead...

Τhen the Priest will sing the Tenth "Christ is risen..." slowly up till "he hath overcome death" The Choir will then take up the rest of the hymn "and to them in the graves hath he given life" while the Priest censes the Holy Altar, the Iconostasis and the people.  


Christ is risen from the dead, by death he hath overcome death,

CHOIR:  And to them in the graves hath he given life.

At the First Antiphon

Tone 5 [Psalm 65].

Verse: Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.

By the prayers of the Mother of God, Saviour, save us.

Verse: Sing forth the honour of his name:  give glory to his praise.


By the prayers of the Mother of God...

Verse: Say unto God, how terrible art thou in thy works!

By the prayers of the Mother of God...

Verse: All the earth shall worship thee, and shall sing unto thee.


By the prayers of the Mother of God...

Glory...  Now and for ever...

By the prayers of the Mother of God...


At the Second Antiphon

Tone 5 [Psalm 66].

Verse: God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us and have mercy upon us.

Save us, O Son of God, Thou who art risen from the dead, who sing to Thee Alleluia.

Verse: That Thy way may be known upon the earth, Thy salvation among all nations.

Save us, O Son of God...

Verse: Let the people confess Thee, O God; let all the people confess Thee.

Save us, O Son of God...

Verse: God shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him. 

Save us, O Son of God...

Glory...  Now and for ever...

O only-begotten Son and Word of God...

At the  Third Antiphon

Tone 5 [Psalm 67, 117].

Verse: Let God arise, and let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him.


Christ is risen from the dead, by death he hath overcome death, and to them in the graves hath he given life.

Verse: As smoke is driven away, so drive them away: as wax melteth before the fire.

Christ is risen from the dead...

Verse: So shall the sinners perish at the presence of God, but let the righteous rejoice.

Christ is risen from the dead...

Verse: This is the day that the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Christ is risen from the dead...

Introit at the Little Entrance

Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel.

Save us, O Son of God, Thou who art risen from the dead,  who sing to Thee alleluia.

After the entrance:

Christ is risen from the dead, by death he hath overcome death, and to them in the graves hath he given life.

The Ypakoe  Tone 4

When those who were with Mary came, anticipating the dawn, and found the stone rolled away from the sepulchre, they heard from the Angel, “Why do ye seek among the dead, as though He were mortal, the One who exists in everlasting light? See the grave clothes. Make haste and proclaim to the world that the Lord is risen, and has put death to death; for He is the Son of God, who saves the human race.”

Kontakion Tone 8

Though Thou didst descend into the grave, O Immortal, Thou didst destroy the power of Hades, and as victor didst rise again, O Christ our God, and the Myrrh-bearing women Thou didst greet with ‘Rejoice’, and to Thine Apostles Thou didst bestow peace: O Thou who dost grant resurrection to the fallen.

Instead of the Thriceholy

As many of you as have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ. Alleluia. (3)

Glory be to the father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Now and for ever: world without end. Amen.

Ηave put on Christ. Alleluia.

DEACON: Power.

CHOIR: As many of you as have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ. Alleluia.

  Prokhimenon. Tone 8. [Psalm 67].

Verse: This is the day that the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Verse: O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever.

The Reading is from the Acts of the Apostles.

Acts 1: 1-8

The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of  all that Jesus began both to do and teach, Until the day in which he was taken up, after that he through the Holy Ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen: To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God: And, being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard of me. For John truly  baptized  with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence. When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power. But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

Alleluia [3].  Tone 4 [Psalm 101].

Verse: Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion.

Verse: From heaven did the Lord behold the earth.

The reading is from the Holy Gospel according to St. John

John 1: 1-17

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me. And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace. For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.


At the "More especially our most holy..." 

The angel proclaimed to her that is full of grace, Rejoice O pure Virgin again I say rejoice, For thy Son is risen the third day from the tomb.

Shine, shine, O new Jerusalem, for the glory of the Lord hath risen upon thee, celebrate now and be glad, O Sion. And do thou O pure, Mother of God, rejoice in the rising of thy child.

 Communion Anthem

Receive ye the body of Christ. Taste ye of the fountain of life. Alleluia.

Before Holy Communion the Easter Sermon of our Father among the saints John Chrysostom is read. 



Whosoever is pious and loves God, let him enjoy this good and cheerful festival. Whosoever is a grateful servant, let him rejoice and enter into the joy of the Lord. Whosoever is weary of fasting, let him now receive his earnings. Whosoever has laboured from the first hour, let him today accept his just reward. Whosoever has come after the third hour, let him with thanksgiving take part in the celebration. Whosoever has arrived after the sixth hour, let him have no misgivings, for he too shall suffer no loss. Whosoever has delayed until the ninth hour, let him approach without hesitation. Whosoever has arrived only at the eleventh hour, let him not fear the delay, for the Master is gracious: He receives the last even as the first; He gives rest to him that comes at the eleventh hour, as well as to him that has laboured from the first; and to him that delayed He gives mercy, and the first He restores to health; to the one He gives, to the other He bestows. And He accepts the works, and embraces the contemplation; the deed He honours, and the intention He commends.

Therefore let everyone enter into the joy of the Lord. The first and the last, receive your wages. Rich and poor, dance with each other. The temperate and the slothful, honour this day. Ye who have fasted and ye who have not, rejoice this day. The table is fully laden; all of you delight in it. The calf is plenteous, let no one depart hungry. Let everyone enjoy this banquet of faith. Let everyone take pleasure in the wealth of goodness. Let no one lament his poverty, for the universal kingdom has appeared. Let no one bewail for his transgressions, for forgiveness has risen from the grave. Let no one fear death, for the Saviour’s death has set us free. He who was held by death, eradicated death. He plundered Hades when He descended into Hades. He embittered it, when it tasted of His flesh, and this being foretold by Isaiah when he cried: Hades said it was embittered, when it encountered Thee below. Embittered, for it was abolished. Embittered, for it was ridiculed. Embittered, for it was put to death. Embittered, for it was dethroned. Embittered, for it was made captive. It received a body and by chance came face to face with God. It received earth and encountered heaven. It received that which it could see, and was overthrown by Him whom he could not see. Where, O death, is your sting? Where, O Hades is your victory? Christ is risen, and thou art cast down. Christ is risen, and the demons have fallen. Christ is risen, and the angels rejoice. Christ is risen, and life is liberated. Christ is risen, and no one remains dead in a tomb. For Christ having risen from the dead, has become the first-fruits of those that have fallen asleep. To Him be glory and power, for ever and ever. Amen. 

The Choir shall then sing the Troparion for St. John Chrysostom.

Tone 8

Grace shone forth from thy lips like a flame of fire to illumine the universe. Thou didst teach us to neglect the treasures of this world. Thou hast shewn unto us the height of divine humility. Thou whose words are for our admonition, O Father John Chrysostom, pray unto Christ the Word that our souls be saved.


Instead of "We have seen the true light" we sing:

Christ is risen from the dead, by death he hath overcome death, and to them in the graves hath he given life.

Instead of "Blessed is the name of the Lord" we say:

Christ is risen from the dead, by death he hath overcome death, and to them in the graves hath he given life. (3 read not sung)


Dismissal:  With the dialogue as follows:


Let us pray unto the Lord.

The Priest holding the three lighted candles and the Cross shall say:


May the blessing and mercy of the Lord come upon you, by His divine grace and loving-kindness, always, now and for ever: world without end.

CHOIR: Amen.

PRIEST: Glory be to Thee, O our God, glory be to Thee.


Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and for ever: world without end. Amen.

Kyrie eleison [3], Holy father give the blessing.


May He who is risen from the dead and by death hath overcome death and to them in the graves hath He given life, Christ our true God, by the prayers of His most holy Mother; by the power of the precious and life-giving Cross; by the protection of the heavenly bodiless hosts; through the supplications of the glorious Prophet and Forerunner, John the Baptist; of the holy and all-glorious Apostles; of our father among the saints, John Chrysostom, archbishop of Constantinople; of the holy, glorious and triumphant Martyrs; of our holy God-bearing Fathers; of [Name of the saint to whom the Church is dedicated]; of the holy and righteous progenitors of God, Joachim and Anna; and of all the saints, have mercy upon us, and save our souls: For He is good and loving-kind.

PRIEST: Christ is risen. (3)

PEOPLE: He is risen indeed. (3)

PRIEST: Glory be to his holy Resurrection on the third day.

PEOPLE: We worship his Resurrection on the third day.


Christ is risen from the dead, by death he hath overcome death, and to them in the graves hath he given life.

PEOPLE: Truly the Lord is risen.