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Letter heading

Name and address of Church or Monastery


Canonical Testimonial



The God-preaching Apostles correctly set in order the things pertaining to divine matters and the company of the God-bearing Fathers who came after them have canonically prescribed that no one shall be deemed to deserve the divine degree of holy orders without much investigation and strict examination, lest the most divine functions be performed by men who are unworthy. Thus, accordingly I also in succession, have probed the depths of the heart of my spiritual son (Name), the son of (Father’s name) of (town, district and country) and (Mother’s name and Maiden name) of (town, district and country) and have found nothing in him that would present an obstacle with respect to laws, I therefore bear witness and proclaim him to be worthy to receive the great dignity of the Priesthood, just as the sacred Canons bid. Hence, there was given to him this present document in evidence thereof, certified by mine own hand and signature.   


In the Holy Metropolis (Monastery) ………………….

(Other details of Parish)




His Spiritual father


(Name of Priest...................................................)



(Signature of Priest..............................................)





Church Seal