The Orthodox Pages
























Question 601

Is having a tattoo ok in the Greek Orthodox religion           


Answer to Question 601

I’m not going to answer you with a yes or no, but give you something to think about. If, as according to St. Paul the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit then we should take all precautions to preserve our bodies as God has created them. Why would anyone want to permanently write graffiti on the temple of God?


Same member

even if it’s one which is for Christ



I suppose even the churches have religious painting on both inside and outside


Same member

It’s a shame that many Greek Orthodox people I know do not even know what the XP means it is part of our history



You will have noticed that with my original answer I said I will not give you a yes or a no, leaving it open for exceptions. Personally I think we shouldn't have tattoos on our bodies, I don't see the point or need to decorate certain parts of our bodies, but I see no harm with a tattoo like yours