The Orthodox Pages






















Question 581

What is the stance of the Orthodox church on positive and negative energy?  Some people believe that others exude negativity and others positivity. To add to my question should we Orthodox be negative, positive or realistic when dealing with life in general? Certainly we are taught to not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will take care of itself.We are also told to be of good cheer for Christ has overcome the world.Elsewhere we are taught to cast all our cares upon the Lord for He loves us. In light of the above does positivity, negativity or realism fit into the Church's teaching?Also what about so called positive or negative energy?    


Answer to Question 581

I'm not sure if I understood your question, or rather if I had grasped what you mean by positive and negative energies. Much has been said in western circles about auras, but I don't know enough to speak about it. What the church does believe in the good and bad influences. In other words people can let themselves be influenced by demons to do bad. An example is the evil eye that people so often write about asking what it is. Often, when life circumstances bring one catastrophe after another, people attribute this to the evil eye known as Vaskania. It is believed that certain people have such powerful feelings of jealousy and envy, that when they look on some beautiful object or individual it can, unintentionally, bring about destruction. Vaskania is recognized by the Church as the jealousy and envy of some people for things they do not possess, such as wealth, material belongings, beauty, youth, health, courage or any other blessing. This does not mean that the Church accepts that these envious people can cause a Christian harm. Essentially the phenomenon known as the evil eye is demonic in nature. It is a demonic influence which can affect certain people according to their belief and spiritual state. If the person has a strong faith and believes that the power of Christ will protect him from all demonic influences then he is totally protected, but if he lacks faith he leaves himself open to various demonic influences. In short, if a person believes that the envy of some people known as the evil eye can bring him harm, his faith in Christ is questionable. Demons have no power over us other than the power we give them. The evil eye is not just about what others can do to us, but also about what we draw towards ourselves. Through lack of faith in Christ, through our passions and sinful way of life we as receivers can leave ourselves without defence and vulnerable. I don't know if this has answered your question. certainly if we interpret positive energy as good and negative energy as evil then we can say that these are part of the Church's teaching