The Orthodox Pages















Question 520

If someone within your family passes when is the appropriate time to have a mimnosino at the church?


Answer to Question 520

As soon as someone has reposed, we should arrange for the serving of the forty-day memorial, that is, daily commemoration at the Liturgy for the course of forty days. Town churches rarely have daily services, but male monasteries or female monasteries, if they have a regular priest, serve the Liturgy everyday. When asking the monastery to pray for our departed it is good to send a contribution with the name. The forty-day memorial must be begun immediately after death, when the soul is especially in need of help in prayer, and therefore one should begin commemoration in the nearest place where there are daily services. Besides the 40 day Liturgies the Church instructs us to offer Trisagia or Mnymosyna for the departed on the 3rd 9th and 40th days, on the 6 month anniversary and then yearly.