The Orthodox Pages
























Question 495

Before there was something, there was nothing. And out of nothing, how did we get something? What existed before the big bang, before creation, and before God?    



Answer to Question 495

The “Big bang” theory will has us believing that a great explosion caused particles to form which then came together and formed the galaxies and Planets. On earth the sea was a cocktail of chemicals and together with the energies from the sun these developed into organic molecules. Then from these all living creatures evolved –the fish, the birds, land animals and eventually the species which Darwin and many others after him have identified as modern man’s ancestors – Homo erectus, Homo habilis, Neanderthal, Homo sapiens, etc with modern man at the top of the chain. 


The scientific view of creation is only a theory yet to be proved and begins with a big bang. It doesn't tell us who or what caused the big bang: there must have been something there before the big bang to cause it to happen, because something out of nothing equals nothing. For the Bible this something is God who in the beginning created heaven and earth. This could have happened with a big bang, a little bang or a balloon pop, but for matters of faith this is of little importance.  As for God he is eternal and has no beginning or end. This is something we cannot understand; God is and always will be. He is not created and if he was then we would have to ask who created him and then who created him who created God and so on, the question will simply continue recurring.


Same member

So in a nutshell everything is a theory 



For the scientific point of view everything is a theory, from a religion point of view it is called faith