The Orthodox Pages




















Question 493

If I ask God a question will he hear me even if not in church.. Will he show me?   



Answer to Question 493

Christ said that whatever we ask in his name will be given unto us, this does not mean that man can ask God for all and everything. He cannot ask for what is not needed, or for what is evil. He can ask, however, and must ask for “good gifts,” for whatever can be asked in the name of Christ, for whatever is holy and sinless and good. If one asks for good things in faith, he will certainly receive them if God thinks that he should have them for his life and salvation. This is the promise of the Lord Himself: “If you abide in me and my words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you.” (John 15:7) “And whatever you ask in prayer, if you have faith, you will receive.” (Matthew 21:22)


Every prayer directed to God in faith is answered. This does not mean that what is asked is always given, for God knows better than the person who prays what is good for him. Also God may answer our prayer, but not in the time that we want him to answer. Many times we feel that God has not responded to our prayers and then at a time when we have completely forgotten our request, God sends us his response to let us know that he hasn’t forgotten us. At other times he answers our prayer, but we do not recognize it because it is not the answer we demand from him. 


Regarding how to pray, St. Isaac the Syrian writes: “Don't be thoughtless in your petitions, in order not to offend God by your foolishness. But rather be wise, to become worthy of the greatest gifts. Ask for a treasure from Him Who is a stranger to stinginess and you will receive a treasure from Him in accordance with the reasonableness of your request. Solomon asked for wisdom and together with it he received an earthly kingdom because he made a wise request before the Great King. Elisseus (Elisha) asked for a twofold portion of grace of the Holy Spirit and his request was not refused. To ask for trifles from the King insults his dignity.”