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Question 483

Hi father I have always wandered why all Greek Orthodox priest have long Beards do they all have to have them and why 


Answer to Question 483

For the majority of the Orthodox World a beard is a recognizable sign of a Priest which is deep rooted in Orthodox tradition. Priests with beards go as far back as the time of Moses when God commanded him to tell the priests (the sons of Aaron) not to shave or cut the beard of their chins (Lev. 21:5). In general this applies to all men for God created man with a beard to distinguish him from a woman. Although we are no longer under Mosaic Law, priests continue to wear beards since the Law was observed by both the Lord and the Apostles. A canon (96) from the Sixth Ecumenical Council concerning hair says that: “Those who have put on Christ through baptism have solemnly promised to emulate and imitate the manner of life He led in the flesh.” Since a priest represents an image of Christ he should resemble him in outward appearance with both beard and long hair. Much of the Priest’s outward appearance is influenced by monastic traditions. In older times monks were not allowed to have long hair and many kept their head shaven on the top similar to the style of the Western Benedictine monks, but under the influence of hermits who paid no attention to their outward appearance and let their hair grow, the tonsure was abandoned and long hair became the normal for both monks and Priests.