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Question 476

When my mum passed away... I was told that crying wasn't right for the loved ones spirit.. Sorry but I don't know anyone yet not to cry... why is grieving not right please


Answer to Question 476

I think people have a misunderstanding about mourning. The resurrection of our Lord gives us the hope that when we die we pass over to eternity and as Christians we believe that we will be with Christ in the afterlife and at the general resurrection at his Second Coming. Thus if we truly believe then we shouldn’t mourn for people when they depart this life, but should rejoice for them that they are with Christ.


But we are only human and it is only natural to miss our loved one when they are no longer with us. Christ also cried at Lazarus’ death. There is nothing wrong with mourning and crying for people as long as that mourning is because we miss that person and not because of lack of faith that that person is lost to us forever. One aspect of the memorial services that we have for the departed is exactly this that we remember them and pray for them. Don’t listen to such silly fanatical ideas that crying is wrong or that our tears can in some way prevent the departed from moving on.