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π. Χριστοφόρε,
Έλαβα την απάντησή σας και ευχαριστώ. Θα ήθελα να ρωτήσω κάτι διευκρινιστικό.
Στο χωριό που ψάλλω ο ιερεύς δεν είναι μόνιμος αλλά έρχεται από το διπλανό χωριό. Αυτό έχει ως συνέπεια ο εσπερινός να μην τελείται σχεδόν ποτέ. Είπαμε ήδη ότι μετά την Θεία Λειτουργία δεν είναι σωστό να ευλογούμε κόλλυβα. Άρα η μόνη λύση είναι να τα ευλογήσουμε στο τέλος του Όρθρου.
Στην εορτή ενός αγίου που στον Όρθρο δεν έχει μεγάλη δοξολογία πότε τα ευλογούμε; Είπαμε ότι αυτό γίνεται κανονικά προ της απολύσεως. Αν όμως τελείται Λειτουργία μετά τον Όρθρο η εκτενής και η απόλυση λέγονται χαμηλοφώνως υπό του ιερέως και το τελευταίο μέρος του Όρθρου που ακούει ο λαός είναι το απολυτίκιο. Πότε λοιπόν θα γίνει η ευλόγηση των κολλύβων πρίν τα απολυτίκια του Όρθρου οπότε μετά την εκφώνηση της ευχής των κολλύβων θα πούμε το «Ευλογημένη η Βασιλεία.» ή πριν το απολυτίκια οπότε μετά την εκφώνηση της ευχής των κολλύβων λέμε τα απολυτίκια και αρχίζει κατόπιν η Λειτουργία;

Ευχαριστώ πολύ.

Π. Π.


Translation of Question:

Father Christopher,
I received your answer and thank you. I would like to ask something for clarity. In the village where I chant, the Priest does not have a permanent post
, but comes from the neighbouring village. As a result, Vespers is rarely sung. We have already said that it is not correct to bless the Kolyva after the Divine Liturgy therefore the only solution is to bless them at the end of Mattins.
During the feast of a saint who at Mattins does not have a Great Doxology, when do we bless them? We have already mentioned that this is done before the dismissal. But if the Divine Liturgy follows Mattins, the petitions and dismissal are said silently by the Priest and the last part of Mattins that is heard audible by the people are the Apolytikia. When therefore will the blessing of the Kolyva take place: after the Apolytikion of Mattins whereby immediately after the prayer of the Kolyva we shall say “Blessed is the Kingdom…. or before the Apolytikion whereby after the prayer we sing the Apolytikia hymns and then begins the Divine Liturgy?
Thank you.
P. P

Answer to Question 8:
Dear P.
With the circumstance that you mention, I believe it would be more practical to say the prayer for the blessing of the Kolyva after the Aposticha and before the Trisagion.
After the Small Doxology, the order for Daily Mattins
followed by the Divine Liturgy has as follows:
Let us complete our supplication unto the Lord. - Up to when the Priests says:
For Thine it is to have mercy, and to save, O Christ our God…
Then follows the singing of the Aposticha.
During the singing of the Glory…Now and forever of the Aposticha or even a little before, the Priest says silently the petitions:
Have mercy upon us, O God, after Thy great goodness. We pray Thee, hear us and have mercy… up to
and including the dismissal.
Then follows the Trisagion and then the Apolytikion and Kontakion of the day and immediately begins the Divine Liturgy.
If the Priest reads the prayer for the Kolyva after the Kontakion, then he will not have enough time to say the required preparatory verses for the Divine Liturgy:
O heavenly King and Comforter, Spirit of truth, which art in all places and fillest all things; Treasure of goodness and Giver of life: Come and abide in us, and cleanse us from all that defileth. And save our souls, O Thou who art good.
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. [3]
O Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth shall shew forth Thy praise. [2]
O Lord, Lord, open to us the gate of Thy mercy.
Thus it would be more practical to say the prayer before the Trisagion and so that the prayer would not be totally unconnected, the Apolytikion of the saint can first be sung (irregardless of the fact that it will also be sung again at the end) and then the prayer.